A source of biophotons and real vitality!
What is LighTachyon?
Your personal power space
Imagine, you return home from a hard day and your personal place of power waits for you. A place of rest and relaxation. A place where you can refuel and find back to yourself. Where it is so simple to enjoy your private life and prepare yourself for new tasks.
We have found such a place of power - we call it LighTachyon and here we tell about it.
Biophotons - there are those real?
Fine light emissions that emanate from humans, animals and plants are scientifically studied for decades. For example by Professor Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp, who has written several books on the subject. A particularly large number of these so-called biophotons are sent out by an organism that is healthy, relaxed and full of vitality, and also by a spiritual healer who carries out his activities.
LighTachyon promotes exactly these important qualities in a new, safe and effective way: its soothing radiance supports relaxation, revitalization and the meditative orientation towards himself.
Increase your vitality repeatedly - the recipe for success
Who is not claimed almost daily intensive? Maybe even frequently overloaded. Eat, drink and sleep are important - but often not enough to charge the internal "battery". To cope with the demands of daily life we have to find ways to renew the own life forces again.
Our experiences with the personal power place LighTachyon show that it could be a way – to develop the own potential without risk, with low costs and sustainable.
A gate to worlds of angels
A place whose fine vibrations were increased opens doors to the worlds of angels, the divine levels. This is why people come to known power places such as Stonehenge for the annual festivals, and this is why people build temples, churches and altars. Prayer and meditation, rest and inner peace, positive thinking and lightful emotions – all of this happens more easy in such places.
Give health a chance
Wholesome eating, regular exercises, enough water, meditation and enough sleep are important cornerstones of a healthy life. But who cares enough to these things? Often it is just the distraction of the demands of everyday life, why we take no time for taking care of ourselves. We are the centre of our lives. If we do not feel well, most things around us lose the meaning. We can only use them if we actively live.
The personal power place LighTachyon supports the orientation towards himself, relaxation and a positive attitude.
Eastern wisdom such as yoga, Ayurveda, meditation and Qi Gong teach us that these are important prerequisites to repeatedly find to a meaningful life and to make the best of his abilities.
The soothing balance in a hectic life
Sure, it is important to work effective and thus to contribute to the own welfare and that of society. But at the present time it is increasingly difficult to find back to the private life. Our experiences with the power place LighTachyon show that it supports the turning to himself, relaxation, pleasure and relationship. When we are in its nearness we are more receptive to the beautiful things of life.
Learning to understand themselves
It is so much easier to perceive ourselves in a meditative, relaxed mood. Friends who have tested the LighTachyon power place, reported about a pleasant relaxation and the emergence of a peaceful, balanced meditative consciousness.
Would not it be nice to have this every day at home?
Who am I really?
Whoever relaxes, may be close by himself a lot better. The LighTachyon power space helps. It is so easy to put hands or feet on the place of power - and the feeling comes that relaxation occurs and vitality flows. Thereby develops the personal awareness of the self, of the truly important needs and of the essential vision.
A place of power can help people finally to be taken seriously and learn to love. With LighTachyon a personal power place is now always available. Although time is short, and waves of life are high, it is there for us.
An altar of light
There have always been people whose senses perceive also exceptional things. They realize what is going on behind the scenes of the everyday world. They are referred to as media, clairvoyant or shamans. I (Walter) educate for over 20 years people around the world to develop supersensory perceptual skills and successfully apply in counselling sessions. With these psychic abilities of perception the LightTachyon shows a different side: It appears as altar of the light.
Pets love the LighTachyon power Place
We like to be together with animals and we are aware of how they behave. Once we had set up some LighTachyon power places in the apartment, we noticed that dogs and cats laid down very naturally next to it and on it. Obviously, they felt very well.
Caring for flowers in another way - with LighTachyon
If plants are watered with water that stood overnight at a LighTachyon power place, they are more robust and more vital. Similar successes can be made with crystals and pebbles that have been laid overnight next to a LighTachyon power place and the next day around the plants.
Charging water with spa quality
Water is essential for the body. Conventional medicine and naturopathy agree in this. Many representatives of alternative medicine go one step further - they are of the opinion, that the body can better use water, whose life energy content is better. If a vessel with water stands some time next to a LighTachyon, sensitive persons often report of a pleasantly altered taste and an invigorating, mood-lifting effect.
Foods can have more quality again
In the industrial processing of food many valuable natural vibrations are lost or greatly reduced - as is certainly the experience of many health-conscious people. We have found that drinks and foods that stood some time beside the LighTachyon have made a cheerful mood and increased vitality.
The meditative respite with the personal LighTachyon force Place
It's so easy to empathize into the personal place of power. If the LighTachyon stands at the feet or on the lap or if the hands are placed on it or simply beside, it begins to work for our well-being and sends its positive vibrations. You have to experience it to be able to understand it. First, we had doubts whether what we believed to have found could be such a powerful support for all. Than we received more and more enthusiastic reports from our test subjects, and we were certain. We were able to collect amazing experiences with the LighTachyon. After we had realized its impact on the welfare of animals and plants, we were completely convinced.
How LighTachyon came to us
Purposelessness can be a gate to new ideas
After a spiritual fair with many beautiful encounters and lovely experiences we sat together with a good meal and the conversations revolved around what is important to us, our life paths, our visions.
And suddenly we had a conversation about the special, energy activated water with which Ronald has worked intensively for years, and which is proving for so many people as an indispensable source of well-being. And we were curious to find out what would probably happen if we would bring the water together with my (Walter) Goddess Radionics, a kind of light art mandalas that was given to me in the year 2000 in a deep meditation in the Himalayas on the banks of the Ganges.
Already the first experience was a profound encounter with the power of life for us. The hours passed while we have done one experiment after another. We found ourselves transformed into a magical world, in an exceptional state of creativity and vitality.
And then a state of calm and happy contentment arose more and more.
As we sat together to share our experiences, the question came up, well, whether other people might feel this extraordinary, vital energies. Whether others would feel so lively, light and motivated like we enjoyed it in the last hours of gratitude. And so we started to build the first test equipment and we distributed them to friends with the request to tell open and honest, what experiences they had made with the personal power space LighTachyon. The feedback was consistent so convincing that we now want to share what had come to us and bring it to the world.
Who we are
Ronald Ivarsson
Specialist for holistic, natural health supplements and energized water with decades of experience.
Walter Lübeck
Spiritual teacher, internationally renowned spiritual healer and author of 25 books on alternative healing.
Our vision:
Every home is a place of power that offers its residents rest and relaxation, healthy sleep, an increase in the personal vitality, inner peace and the living of the real needs.
From reports of people who have tested their personal LighTachyon place of power:
... It was as if my living room is suddenly filled with warm light.
... And then I suddenly felt at home as well as at my favourite place of power!
... While I did my Reiki, I felt much stronger healing energy than usual.
... My cats are arguing about who is allowed to sleep on the LighTachyon place of power.
... It was as if my dog was injured at the paw he laid down quite often to our LighTachyon.
... My tea, which has been standing for a few minutes beside the LighTachyon, tasted much better.
... Since we charge the water with the LighTachyon our children like to drink it who previously always wanted soft drinks.
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